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Living Creatively with Fibro

Living Creatively with Fibro | Enchanted Corner on Craft Desk
ByBySusan PearsonAug 23, 2017
Living Creatively with Fibro | Cool Cuties on Craft Desk
ByBySusan PearsonAug 20, 2017
Living Creatively with Fibro | dismissed from work
ByBySusan PearsonAug 19, 2017

Recent Updates

Treating pain with Essential Oils

As far back as my teenage years, I have simmered fragrance oils over candles and…

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Are Fibromyalgia Symptoms Consistent?

A question that seems to get regularly asked is” Are Fibromyalgia symptoms consistent?” Unfortunately, as…

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CoVid Vaccine Astounding spoonie experience

Has your Covid Vaccine caused a fibromyalgia flare-up? This is my experience

ByBySusan PearsonApr 1, 2021
Exciting Visit to Crafting Live at Doncaster

I was so thrilled to be able to visit Crafting Live at Doncaster in July…

ByBySusan PearsonFeb 3, 2022

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