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Living Creatively with Fibro

An image of candles in the darkness representing dealing with loss
ByBySusan PearsonJul 7, 2023
A very fortunate fall
ByBySusan PearsonMay 19, 2023
An image of Westminster Abbey with the Cypher of the King
ByBySusan PearsonMay 4, 2023

Trending Posts

Fibromyalgia and Hyperhidrosis
Fibromyalgia and Hyperhidrosis

Do you live with Fibromyalgia and Hyperhidrosis? Maybe you’ve not even heard of hyperhidrosis? It’s excessive sweating! Read…

ByBySusan PearsonFeb 16, 2018
Living Creatively with Fibro | Has Fibromyalgia changed my rate of exercise title picture showing someone wearing trainers
Has Fibro changed my rate of Exercise?

Today’s subject is exercise although, in reality, the post deals with mental health. For anyone who has ever…

ByBySusan PearsonMar 23, 2018
Headaches cause the worst Fibro Days
Headaches cause the worst Fibro Days

Headaches can be one of the most disabling pains there are, let me take this opportunity to explore…

ByBySusan PearsonSep 28, 2018
Living Creatively with Fibro | Fibromyalgia & IBS Blog Title Graphic
Living with Fibromyalgia and IBS

Are you suffering from Fibromyalgia and IBS? It may not be one of the core symptoms of the…

ByBySusan PearsonJan 19, 2018
Sacrificing Spoons for Sanity
Sacrificing Spoons for Sanity

It is time to continue with my large organisation and decluttering project, and today I bit quite a…

ByBySusan PearsonApr 18, 2018
Living Creatively with Fibro | Dental Filling and Fibromyalgia
Updated: Managing a dental filling with Fibromyalgia

This week I was unlucky enough to have my second Dental Filling within the space of about a…

ByBySusan PearsonFeb 25, 2017
Adaptable Working When you have Fibromyalgia
Adaptable Working When you have Fibromyalgia

Working when you have Fibromyalgia is important. One important lessons I can teach you from my experience is…

ByBySusan PearsonSep 22, 2022
Living Creatively with Fibro | Dealing with an Organisation Breakdown
Dealing with an Organising Breakdown

Have you ever made big plans for everything you want to get done during holiday time and achieved…

ByBySusan PearsonApr 4, 2018
Cannacares CBD Capsules
Cannacares CBD Capsules

Experiencing the Cannacares CBD Capsules, learning more about Hemp Oil and questioning prescribing practices. CBD is a lifesaver…

ByBySusan PearsonNov 21, 2019

Recent Updates

What is a Fibromyalgia Flare-Up? Exposed

Have you ever wondered what a Fibromyalgia Flare-up is? This post tells you all about…

ByBySusan PearsonDec 10, 2020
So what is Creativity?

Hello there! I hope you’re doing well today. I just wanted to take a moment…

ByBySusan PearsonJul 23, 2020
Current thoughts on the Virus

Thankfully it is highly unlikely that Michael or I have caught the virus. Michael only…

ByBySusan PearsonFeb 17, 2021
When your spoonie body says no

I don’t know about you, but when my pain and exhaustion levels are high I…

ByBySusan PearsonFeb 20, 2021

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