Hi there! I’m Susan Pearson, let me tell you a little about me. In 2016, I started the blog “Living Creatively with Fibro.” The first reason was to chronicle my journey. Then as time passed by I realised that there was so much that was unknown or misunderstood about Fibromyalgia. Even within the medical community. So I wanted to help the “Spoonie” community get the word out.
Although I write quite a lot about Fibromyalgia and Spoonie Life. That does not define me, and so I write about how I live with Fibro too.
If you have Fibromyalgia or a similar chronic illness and want tips on how to stay organised and creative, you’re in the right place.
My Mission
I am here to show you how you can not just survive but thrive when living with Fibromyalgia.
Creative Fibro
My Motto
Fibromyalgia may eat away at my body, but I refuse to give it my mind!
Creative Fibro
I’m a keen crafter, and I’ve been making my own greetings cards for over half of my life. I have to admit I’d consider myself a failure if I had to buy one! I have written blog posts about how I have adapted my crafting because of the Fibro.
Staying Organised
I’m a bit of an organisation freak, although I never have enough spoons to keep the house as tidy as I would like. I very much live in the real world of Fibromyalgia not just in the pages of my Pinterest or Instagram. I talk about this in the Organisation category.
I married Michael in 2015. He is incredibly supportive and probably knows as much about Fibromyalgia as I do. For the first few years we lived on the top floor of my parent’s house, which logistically had its problems. In 2019, we rented our house in a lovely village about ten miles away from there. My life was once bigger than it is now, but I have adjusted to the changes that Fibro brought over time.
Quick Fire Questions
Myers Briggs? INFJ
Introvert or Extravert? Introvert
Favourite Season? Love them all
Sweet or Savoury? Sweet
Favourite Drink? Pepsi Max
Cats or Dogs? Dogs
Favourite Book? Katherine by Anya Seton
Favourite Film? Les Miserables (Hugh Jackman) or The Greatest Showman
Favourite TV Series? Downton Abbey or Call the Midwife
My Other Blogs
This blog is the longest running. Although it has had a few facelifts and moved house a couple of times. I am really proud that I have kept it going when various bloggers who started out at the same time as me have given up.
As well as my creativity and organisation that I talk about from the perspective of being a Spoonie. I am also heavily into tech, personal knowledge management, productivity and genealogy. I talk about these topics over at Creative Fibro’s Digital World. Sometimes I just want to talk about a topic that doesn’t fit on either blog, and you can find these posts at Creative Fibro Off Topic.